I have been taking photos for a while now. I've even edited on the computer once or twice. Ok - hundreds of times. I've experimented with editing software that is for complete beginners (Paint, Preview) to even the more complicated platforms (seems that everything is so advanced now).
I've played around with Aperture - Apple's answer to their hobbyist consumers. Adobe Lightroom snobs will scoff that I even tried Aperture. Well, don't scoff until you really dig in. I used it for years, and learned a lot. You could say I built my foundation using Apple's editing software, and there is nothing wrong with that at all!
I've always had a nagging feeling in the back of my head to learn Adobe's platforms though. They have a reputation for having the software gear that only pros use. I want to be a professional in all that I do, especially in photography and videography. I would dabble in PS here and there, but it was just too damn daunting. Overwhelming. I mean, who needs 50 different ways to crop out a subject?
I know what you are saying - "I've been using PS for years! Its f*****g easy!" or "My baby brother who is 2 can use PS!"
In the past few months I have been doing a deep dive into PS Creative Cloud Suite. I started from the basics, analyzing photos with Adobe Bridge. I didn't think that software was necessary, but after studying it for 10 hours I found it was the absolute foundation for learning how to edit photos correctly. I learned how to use my camera more effectively because of Adobe Bridge and its associate program camera RAW. Great stuff. In fact, I would say I edit most of my stuff in camera RAW only because I don't want portions of photos to be cropped out, or edited heavily (in a noticeable sort of way).
This past week, I decided to finally make the jump and get into PS. I got the chills. "Will I be able to do this? I couldn't do it before.... I just have to push through."
I had to defeat this irrational fear of PS. Sure I was having issues with it, but it IS for advanced users! I know that going in. Being apprehensive is normal! I dove in - followed a tutorial step by step - and replayed it dozens of times. Ended up being over 2 hours, but I finally created an image I hope you'll enjoy.
Here's another that I made later on during the week.
I had to restart tutorials - restart my computer and pull my hair out due to crazy frustration... But I did it! Its all about gathering new skills and breaking down mental barriers. Cheers to getting better!